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It's a bird? No...it's a plane? No...oh! It's a superlady...Oopz!

I had IT Law and Governence lecture juz nw. Mr Steven Lim mention Serve Sabah to create an example and i was reminded of our latest outing last Monday. Thus, i decided to write in...hehez...

The cycling at pulau ubin was fun...although it lasted only for 2 hrs++ still it was enjoyable and tiring too...Haiz~ my stamina is deteriorating...i'm getting fatter by day...:( muz excercise more!

Still, i'm quite sad coz we din have a full team dat day...i hope to see all in the next meet up...
we had an outdoor and perspiring activity on Labour day...i hope on Vesak day we can do an indoor activity...Ice-skating or bowling...;) Cool huh?

Lots of Love,

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